Ebay Scraper

Short instruction for scraping Ebay

You can gather all the information from a product card.
This includes building a database of product links, tracking price and shipping dynamics, collecting the number of product ratings and reviews, compiling product images, and obtaining a list of stores.

To scrape Ebay data according to your request, please follow these steps:

  1. New Task: Click Create New Task.

  2. Provider: Choose “Ebay”.

  3. Search: Enter search query (max. 200 characters).

  4. Scraper Country: Select from dropdown.

  5. Customize: Set domain, result pages (max. 10), and results per page (max. 120) - optional.

  6. Run: Click Create task.

  7. Results: Monitor dashboard & download the results.

Scraper Results. Price

Sometimes you may see 2 prices. This is the price range shown on the product card.

Data Preview:
