How Do Fast Proxies Filters Work?

This article provides detailed information on how fast proxy filters work.

Working with fast proxies is carried out through the filter functionality.

In the dashboard, you have a filter configurator where you can select the following parameters:

  • Filter name
  • Authorization type
  • Rotation settings
  • Geotargeting parameters

After you have configured all these parameters, you must save your filter.

  1. After your filter is saved, follow these steps:
  2. Click Show details.

In the opened window, set the connection parameters, such as Server and Port. All the settings you applied here will be automatically saved, no additional actions are required.


You can always change the connection parameters in the filter settings if you need to change them.


  • When changing the connection parameters of an existing filter, consider the following factors:
  • In an existing filter, you can only change the server and port!
  • If you need to change your geotargeting parameters, create another filter!
  • If you created a filter with incorrect geotargeting parameters or want to change the authorization type, you can delete your current filter and create a new one!
  • If you use IP authorization, you can only create one filter with your IP address!
  • If you want to change your geotargeting parameters and use the same IP address, delete the filter in which your IP address is already used and create a new one!

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