How Do Fast Proxies Work?

This article provides information about the mechanics of how fast proxies work.

Fast residential proxy is a next-level residential proxies Froxy can offer!

Fast proxy in its mechanics acts like regular residential proxies: it’s an intermediary for your Internet traffic. When you send a request to a website, the proxy receives it, replaces your IP address and location with the new one, and sends an updated request to the addressee. This not only preserves your anonymity but also ensures that the website you are requesting is "seen" as a normal user.

The distinguishing feature of the Fast proxies is their connection speed. Average connection speed of the Fast proxies is higher than regular residential proxies, so it can be a determinant factor to their favor for those users, who care about their time and money.

Please notice that connection speed depends on many factors, like your Internet-provider limitations, or location remoteness you’d like to connect.

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